Dr. Chia-An曹国伟

Dr. Chia-An曹国伟
Management, Information Systems, and Business 教育, 部门 of
Scott College of Business
Federal Hall 233


  • Other - Biomedical Informatics, Oregon Health and Science University - 2010
  • Ph.D. - Indiana University - 2002
  • M.S. - Indiana University - 1991
  • B.A. - National Taiwan University - 1989

Teaching Interests

  • Business Information Systems. Business Communication.

Intellectual Contributions

  • State Biotechnology and Genomic Development: Critical 资源 and Barriers - Politics & 政策- 2018
  • The Impact of Electronic Health Records on Collaborative Work Routines: A Narrative Network Analysis - 国际 Journal of Medical Informatics - 2016
  • Country Context and University Affiliation: A Comparative Study of Business Incubation in the United States and Brazil - Journal of 技术 Management & Innovation - 2016
  • Using interdisciplinary collaboration, 赋权, and advocacy to address wicked problems in genomics: The concept of genomic advocacy - University Risk Management & Insurance Association Journal - 2015
  • Lessons learned from implementation of a perinatal documentation system - Journal of Obstetric, 妇科 & Neonatal Nursing - 2012

Research Interests

  • 技术 and Organizational Studies, Health Informatics, Entrepreneurship.

University 服务

  • Role: Member - Caleb Mills Distinguished Award Committee 2018 - 2019
  • Role: Member - Charlotte Zietlow Endowment Women 教师 Research Grant Committee 2012

Professional 服务

  • Role: Reviewer, Journal Article - Health Informatics Journal 2014 - 2019