

Welcome to the Summer Semester at 澳门合法赌场官网!

Course registration for Summer begins in early-April. Remember: summer requires a separate application for 金融援助, which will be available in mid-April. Summer processing begins mid-May.  If you are unable to find the Summer information you are looking for, 澳门合法赌场官网!


To be eligible, the student must:

  • 应用

    • 学生 must have a 2023-2024 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA) on file by June 30, 2024.
    • 学生必须在2024年8月2日之前填写暑期援助申请表. We are unable to guarantee approval of late submissions.
    • 申请联邦直接补贴/无补贴贷款的学生必须在学生入学的最后一天之前提交暑期援助申请表.
  • 在ISU攻读学位.
    • 学生需要获得ISU学位或合格的教师证书才能获得联邦财政援助. This is a federal requirement.
    • 国际滑联的学生如果想从其他机构转学到国际滑联的学位课程,必须完成并提交这个表格 联合体协议 允许ISU处理他们在其他机构获得的学分的财政援助.
    • 访问学生(在其他机构攻读学位并在夏季在国际滑联上课)应该在两所学校之间完成一份联合协议,以便他们的家乡学校在处理夏季援助的同时,包括他们在国际滑联的注册时间. Not all schools participate in consortium arrangements. Check with your home school for details.
  • 使 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  • 至少报名参加 半场.

NOTE: 学生 must be enrolled and attending at 至少半场 for Federal Direct 贷款 to disburse. Disbursement occurs when student reaches 半场 招生. 如果面临这种入学情况,学生应该准备好自己支付初始费用.


Financial aid for the summer is limited.  For many students, eligibility is limited to the remaining amount of 联邦学生贷款 (如果学生在学年期间没有借用他们的全部拨款).


Note that the options above require a separate application. Be sure to select Summer 2024 when choosing a term. 贷款资格是基于学年开始时的学术成绩. For summer 2024, class standing for undergraduates will be evaluated on 2023年秋季.




A program for Indiana students with the need for speed!  向21世纪学者和弗兰克·奥班农助学金(印第安纳州高等教育奖)获得者开放.

  • You must have earned 30 or more credit hours in the prior academic year.
  • Be in good academic standing (Satisfactory Academic Progress, SAP).
  • 你可能有资格获得半日制或全日制奖学金,这取决于暑假 招生.
  • 你必须有剩余的资格(获得少于8个学期的州奖学金).
  • 如果你选择使用它,国家快速通道只能用于学费和杂费.
  • You must fill out a simple application on ScholarTrack to qualify for the 国家快速通道 award.

If you have any questions regarding your eligibility for 国家快速通道, 澳门合法赌场官网!


The ISU的夏季在轨道上 Award information listed is subject to change.  We hope to have these details verified soon.

向21世纪学者和弗兰克·奥班农奖学金(印第安纳州高等教育奖)的获得者开放,他们需要满足90个学分的要求,以保持明年的资格. 在ScholarTrack上记录的学分银行学时将被考虑在内,并可用于学生在下一学年的州奖励.  如果您所列出的银行学时数与学年中获得的学分至少等于90小时, you are not eligible for ISU的夏季在轨道上 Award.

  • By the end of the spring 2023 term, you must have earned at least 84 credit hours but fewer than 90 credit hours.
  • Be in good academic standing (Satisfactory Academic Progress, SAP).
  • 该计划将只支付您需要帮助达到90小时(最多6小时)的小时。.
  • 夏季学期的海外教育和财团协议时间不符合条件.  学生 must be enrolled in hours offered by ISU.

如果你对自己是否有资格参加国际州立大学暑期班有任何疑问, 澳门合法赌场官网!


The 佩尔助学金 is now available in the summer to undergraduate students!  See the requirements below to see if you are eligible.

  • 如果你注册了 全职 (12 hours) in both the fall and spring semester, you must be enrolled at 至少半场 (6小时)在夏天.
  • 如果你注册了 半场 or 3/4的时间 在秋季或春季,您可以在夏季注册不到6小时.
  • Enrollment will be locked into the system on July 8, 2024.  The 联邦佩尔助学金 amount will reflect your 招生 as of this date.  Should you have any questions in regards to this process, contact our office
  • Be in good academic standing (Satisfactory Academic Progress, SAP).
  • 你必须有剩余的资格(获得佩尔助学金少于12个学期).
  • 在夏天使用Pell会耗尽你以后学期的一些资格, 取决于注册情况.
  • If you are eligible for the 佩尔助学金 and enroll in summer classes, you will automatically be awarded, 全年佩尔.  无需申请.

如果你对全年佩尔助学金的资格有任何疑问, 澳门合法赌场官网!


The Summer Graduation Initiative information listed is subject to change.  We hope to have these details verified soon.

If you're not able to complete your degree by May, ISU提供了一个特殊的机会来帮助你在今年夏天完成你的学位. If you have 15 or fewer credit hours to complete in order to graduate, 然后你可能有资格参加一个特殊的机会,将提供折扣的夏季学费. In order to qualify for this Summer Graduation Initiative, you must:

  • Have started at ISU during the fall semester of 2020 as a new freshman.
  • 与你的学术顾问一起完成一份学习计划,以确保你有资格在今年夏天毕业.
  • Register for all summer classes necessary to meet graduation requirements.
  • Successfully complete all summer classes.


If you desire to participate in this opportunity, 完成以下两份文件,并在你的第一节暑期课开始前不迟于5个工作日将它们交给你的学院院长办公室. If you have any questions, contact Dr. 苏珊·鲍尔斯 苏珊.Powers@wuhubanjia.net 以了解更多有关您需要采取的具体步骤,以便参与.


  • 退出:援助是根据注册计算的,并可能在任何时候根据学分或不出席. 考虑退学的学生应该在改变课程表之前与财务援助顾问讨论这个问题. To officially withdraw, students must contact the Office of 注册及记录.
  • 基本 资格规则 应用.
  • 退款 are issued on a rolling basis as aid disburses. 联邦直接贷款在学生开始其入学的第6个学分(研究生为第5个学分)时发放。. 对于许多学生来说,这意味着退款要到暑期课程开始后才会发放.  联邦佩尔助学金通常在每门课程开始前3天发放.






8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.